August 2021
Friends of Silver Creek have received an invite by Parks, Forestry & Recreation, Parks Development & Capital Projects Section staff to participate in a preliminary stakeholder virtual meetings to discuss the Silver Creek Park Improvement Project.
City of Toronto Parks, Forestry and Recreation staff, Councillor Holyday, their design consultant, and other community stakeholders will be in attendance.
It is our hope that previous community consultation and input will be included in current discussions and that the entire community will have further opportunity to be provided with information and an opportunity for consultation to ensure all community voices will be respected and heard.
In advance of this meeting FofSC have asked for confirmation of details including if a timeline has been determined and if the decision making and consultation process for this project has been confirmed.
July 21, 2019
Friends of Silver Creek have received responses from the June 20, 2019 letter regarding the $1 million+ in Section 37 & 42 Funds to be used in our community from Councillor Holyday and Mayor Tory. Click to view.
Friends of Silver Creek have submitted a response to Councillor Holyday and are again requesting that Eglinton Ave. W development funds be used to enhance parks that new populations north of Eglinton will access.
We again are asking for an estimated timeline for the allocation of funds and implementation of park enhancements given the availability of funds.
We have shared with Councillor Holyday that our community has been under constant pressure in regards to many issues over the last few years. Regardless of Bill 108, the intent for the already secured section funds should be to provide the necessary infrastructure needed to keep up with the increased density in our community.
Friends of Silver Creek have sent a second letter to Councillor Stephen Holyday. View Letter.
Email OR call 416-392-4002 and ask to speak Councillor Holyday.
You can use the following email template to send a message. Copy and paste into an email, add your name and send:
Dear Councillor Holyday,
I am your constituent and I have concerns regarding the process and allocation surrounding the $1 million+ that is to be used in our community.
Our community has had to wait three years to implement the Section 37 and 42 funds designated from local developments.
Our community of Martingrove-Willowridge- Richview, north of Eglinton Ave, is increasing in density and Richview and Silver Creek Parks require upgrades such as quiet seating areas, picnic tables, shade structures, and enhanced recreational equipment for all ages. Such amendments would serve to accommodate not only the current population but also, the projected population.
Have you reviewed the results from the 2018 community survey? When will you respond to the community and provide an update?
Did you know developers pay fees to the City of Toronto per development?
Did you know the fees are to be used to fund community benefits?
How would you like to see these funds used in our communities?
Email OR call 416-392-4002 and ask to speak Councillor Holyday.
You can use the following email template to send a message. Copy and paste into an email, add your name and send:
Dear Councillor Holyday,
I am your constituent in Ward 2 and I have concerns regarding the process and allocation surrounding the $1 million+ that is to be used in our community.
Our community has had to wait three years to implement the Section 37 and 42 funds designated from local developments.
Our community of Martingrove-Willowridge-Richview, north of Eglinton Ave, is increasing in density and Richview and Silver Creek Parks require upgrades such as quiet seating areas, picnic tables, shade structures, and enhanced recreational equipment for all ages. Such amendments would serve to accommodate not only the current population but also, the projected population.
Have you reviewed the results from the 2018 community survey? When will you respond to the community and provide an update?
Click any of the buttons for more information:
Contact Councillor Holyday with questions and to request updates on the deadlines and usage of the Section 37 and 42 Funds.
PHONE: 416-392-4002
June 20, 2019
Friends of Silver Creek have sent a letter to Councillor Stephen Holyday regarding the lack of progress and lack of response to requests for direct communication regarding the $1 million+ amount of Section 37 and 42 Funds for developments in our community.
A copy of the letter in addition to a covering letter has also been sent to Mayor John Tory regarding the lack of response and to ensure fund agreements do not expire and to meet the October 2019 deadline for project confirmations for Silver Creek Park and Richview Park.
Copies also have been sent to Parks, Forestry and Recreation staff.
March 31, 2019
Friends of Silver Creek have been meeting with City of Toronto and Parks, Forestry and Recreation staff over the last year regarding usage and timing for the Section 37 & 42 Funds for our community at large.
FofSC provided the following questions to Councillor Stephen Holyday in the meeting this past March and have the response from his office below.
When is the expiry date for the Section 37 funds allocated from
the Shannex development? -
What happens to Shannex Section 37 Funds once they expire
after the 3 year deadline? -
Do all funds for Section 37 have to be allocated before the expiry
date? If some of the money is allocated but not all, does the
community lose the benefit of the remaining funds that is not
Response from Councillor Stephen Holyday's office:
“The three year term will expire in December 2019 as it came into effect December 2016.
The purpose is for the funds to be used in the community during that time period.
In the event the funds are not used during that three year time period it is still available to be used to
improve community facilities. In short, the money can still be used to improve parks within our community
and will not be placed in general coffers.”
Additional information waiting to be confirmed:
Former Councillor John Campbell confirmed Section 37 funds in the amount of $3.8 million for 4000 Eglinton Ave W. (Lanterra Development) . Confirmation is pending as per Councillor Stephen Holyday.
FofSC are awaiting confirmation of a May meeting date to continue discussions and set timelines with Councillor Holyday. As details become available they will be shared with the community.
Section 37 & 42 Funds Previous Updates
Meeting March 8, 2019
Friends of Silver Creek met with senior park staff and Councillor Holyday who provided updates on Section 37 & 42 funds as indicated in chart.
Meeting January 8, 2019
FofSC provided the approved Section Funds list as per former Councillor John Campbell To incoming Councillor Stephen Holyday. Results from the Community Online Survey conducted in 2018 was shared with Councillor Holyday to provide background and community input on the process to date. Councillor Holyday committed to providing an update on Section 37 & 42 funds.
Meeting August 27, 2018
FofSC met with City of Toronto, Parks, Forestry & Recreation Staff on Monday, August 27, 2018 in follow up to the community consultation and survey.
PF&R staff reported that as a result of of the 2018 Municipal Election, all decisions on usage of section funds are to be on hold until after the election.
Meeting August 27, 2018
FofSC met with Councillor John Campbell to discuss possible usage of Section Funds as per feedback provided in Community Online Survey for Silver Creek Park and Richview Park. Given the 2018 Municipal Election, city staff advised that the Councillor would have to approve any projects by February 2019 budgetary process if amendments were to happen in 2019.
Meeting June 18, 2018
Councillor Campbell’s office advises that no dedication of funds to occur prior to the October 2018 municipal election.
As further details are confirmed they will be shared with
the community.
Updated March 31, 2019
4750 Eglinton: National Homes
Section 42: $778.40** (remaining balance)
Basketball court Westgrove Park (Martingrove and Westway) - constructed with minor details to be complete in 2019
Section 37: No funds*
4800 Eglinton Ave W: Fernbrook Townhouses A
Section 42: $892.00** (remaining balance)
$150,000: LaRose playground*
$110,000: Silver Creek playground
Section 37: No funds*
4780 Eglinton Ave W: Fernbrook Townhouses B
Section 42: $113,000**
Townhouse residents to be consulted about improvements to Richview Park
Section 37: No funds*
4650 Eglinton Ave W: Shannex Seniors Residence
Section 42: $464,000*
Section 37: Proposed Day Care on-site + $459,908.26 for local community benefit* (increase due to interest)
4000 Eglinton: Lanterra (Plant World)
Section 42: Park to be developed on site*
Section 37: $3.8 million ($800,000 designated for community art)**not confirmed
*Data confirmed as per former Councillor John Campbell
** Data confirmed as per current Councillor Stephen Holyday
Addresses refer to the blocks of land each development sits on.
Section 37 & 42 Funds Community Meeting - March 19, 2018
On March 19, 2018 Friends of Silver Creek and Buttonwood Hill Residents Association hosted a joint meeting to discuss how the Richmond Gardens and Buttonwood Hill communities can benefit from Section 37 and Section 42 funds, which are fees paid by developers to the City of Toronto.
Joint Trinity/ Create Toronto (Richview Square) - application to be made and funds to be negotiated
The use of funds are negotiated and recommended by each Ward's City Councillor. For Ward 4, Councillor John Campbell will be negotiating the funds paid by developers and providing recommendations for the use of funds.
Recommendations for the use of funds are to be made in consultation with residents of the community that the funds have been attained.
Featured Speakers at the meeting:
Yvan Baker, MPP, Etobicoke Centre
John Campbell, Councillor, Ward 4 Etobicoke Centre
Neil Cresswell, Director, Community Planning, City of Toronto
Nick Garisto, Planner, Parks-Development Applications and Land Acquisitions
Section 37 benefits are provided primarily in the local community (in general within one kilometer of the development) within which the development is located - for example, improvements to community recreation facilities, or street trees for a greener city.
Download the Section 37 City of Toronto Document.
Toronto’s planning tool for acquiring new parkland is through land dedications, or cash-in-lieu of parkland paid as a condition of development or redevelopment, as enabled by Section 42 of the Planning Act. These funds are not restricted to the community the development is taking place.
The survey from the March 19th meeting regarding Section 37 funds for 4650 Eglinton Ave W (Shannex Seniors Residence) in the amount of $464,000 is now closed.