The Brook Pooni Pre-Application process for Richview Square and 4620 Eglinton Ave W is now over.
The Finalized Summary Report of feedback provided at the 3rd Community Meeting can be viewed here.
The development team anticipates submitting a formal development application in early 2018, following which the City of Toronto will be leading the community engagement process.
How will the LRT affect the Eglinton façade of the design and why is this not depicted on the design?
Why was traffic (and the anticipation of the LRT that further complicates traffic) not discussed meaningfully at the meeting?
Where will the LRT station be located?
How will surface parking spaces be reserved for shoppers and not be used by tenants, Shannex visitors and staff, and Shannex daycare parents?
This appears as a self-contained community within our community. Other than retail and a potential community plaza that could/may be made available to the community, how is this development to be integrated into our established community?
Where is the Section 42 money from this development?
What are the effects of rain/water run-off from this development down Wincott hill and into the community?
How will the proposed trees survive in shade?
FofSC suggest/support a multi-purpose community “room” in this development that would be accessible to all residents of Richmond Gardens. For the health and well-being on an increasing population in Ward 4, we encourage Councillor John Campbell to advocate for a unique partnership between Trinity Group and City of Toronto PR&F to provide a meeting space that could also be used for recreation purposes (Tai-Chi, yoga, senior groups, parent & tot, etc.)
On November 1st, the design and plan for the redevelopment of Richview Square was released. Brook Pooni provided seven days for feedback after the presenation made on November 1st. However, we encourage residents to take any opportunity to send their comments and questions to the following to ensure a fulsome process:
Councillor John Campbell: John.Campbell@toronto.ca
Aliya Tejani, Brook Pooni Associates: atejani@brookpooni.com
FofSC have been present at joint community meetings with Trinity Group, Build Toronto, Councillor John Campbell and the RGRRA to provide another source of representation and to gather and share information for all residents affected by the proposed redevelopment of Richview Square.
We encourage everyone to view the links and downloads for the Richview Square Redevelopment below.
3rd Pre-Application Public Community Meeting: Richview Square + 4620 Eglinton Ave. W.
Download the Presentation on the proposed development including the site plan, landscape plan and renderings.

JANUARY 26, 2017 - Community Meeting
RE: Development Around 4260 Eglinton Ave. W with Build Toronto
Friends of Silver Creek School were in attendance at a meeting with Build Toronto, Councillor John Campbell and members of the RGRRA regarding Build Toronto's involvement in the Trinity Group Redevelopmnet of Richview Square Plaza.
To ensure that you receive updates on the redevelopment process and all community consultation meeting dates
contact Councillor John Campbell and ask to be included in all communications: John.Campbell@toronto.ca
Below is a summary of notes from the meeting:
Build Toronto is a wholly owned subsidiary of the City of Toronto that was set up to create value from the City’s underutilized real estate assets. The company is responsible for developing land and increasing the tax base for the City. To date, the company has sold 19 development projects. The company further supports the City of Toronto through infrastructure projects like the Fort York Pedestrian and Cycle Bridge. Build Toronto reports to an 11-member Board of Directors comprising eight public members and three City of Toronto Councillors.
What Build Toronto heard from the community members:
1. Ensure that community members are heard, involved and engaged in the process
2. Opportunity to access information that has been publicaly distributed
3. Understand the planning process and rationale used for future development
4. Open communication about the open-door and closed-door items
5. Maintain quality of life with future responsible development
What is the purpose of Build Toronto?
Build Toronto is a for-profit corporation that provides an annual financial dividend to the City of Toronto. The company also has a City-Building mandate with a set of five Strategic Priorities, including Engagement, Livable Neighbourhoods, Sustainability, Employment and Transit-Oriented Development. Although the company must create value from the City’s underutilized real estate, it is in the best interest of Build Toronto to ensure that it helps to create developments that fit with overall planning policies and local area context and that support the local neighbourhood and the City of Toronto’s objectives.
Community engagement process
Engagement is one of Build Toronto’s City-Building Strategic Priorities. As part of any development application, the company works to engage with community members over and above the City of Toronto’s statutory community consultation process. Build Toronto makes it a priority to listen, be open to input and remain responsive. It is the company’s goal to foster strong working relationships with the various stakeholders as part of every development.
Build Toronto has been in attendance during the community meetings as part of the Shannex development. This has provided the company with an opportunity to learn more about the community interests and concerns and how to improve the future engagement process.
As part of the 4620 Eglinton Ave. W. development, Build Toronto is in the process of engaging a community facilitation team that is expected to be on board as early as February 2017 to help execute the engagement strategy. As part of this strategy, the company anticipates leading three sets of meetings, first with executives of community groups and then with the greater community. The goals established thus far are to (1) meet and introduce the development team(s), (2) establish the development objectives and (3) confirm the objectives. Build Toronto anticipates starting this process near the end of March 2017. C. Campbell introduced the idea of a design charrette, and Build Toronto will seek to incorporate the objectives of a charrette into its engagement strategy.
As part of its engagement strategy, and once a development is planned, Build Toronto will be clearly communicating the open-door areas of influence and closed-door areas that are not open for influence. Build Toronto’s goal is to respect the community’s time and input and to be clear and transparent about the aspects that can be changed and those that cannot.
Development in the area
According to the community representatives, the Richmond Gardens neighbourhood has been in a "stressful situation" over the past couple of years with respect to an increase in surrounding development, lack of meaningful community consultation, lack of communication about the planning process, the potential closure of a local TDSB school and the strong desire for surrounding green space.
Following provincial and municipal planning policy directives, development in and around this transit-oriented neighbourhood is set to occur. Build Toronto understands there are traffic issues which will not be eliminated, but the company will work to ensure the needs of the communities are met while provincial and municipal policies are supported.
Transit in the area
Phase 1 of the Eglinton Crosstown Light Rail Transit (LRT) stretches from Kennedy Station to Mount Dennis (Weston Road). This is a fully funded plan that is expected to begin service in 2021. Metrolinx is now completing studies for Phase 2, which is proposed for this stretch of Eglinton Ave. W. This proposal is not yet funded. Part of this study will be determining what the appropriate stops may be, as well as the potential for grade separation at some of the stops. The future transportation studies are not part of the future development application for 4620 Eglinton Ave. W. or the Richview Plaza and accordingly, any development proposal will not include the location of a potential LRT stop. Although Build Toronto anticipates a stop proposed at Wincott Drive, the company does not have the capacity to confirm this or any future stopes. Metrolinx, the City of Toronto and the TTC will be able to confirm as they advance their study.
Build Toronto is following the direction that before any opportunities can be explored on Build Toronto’s lands spanning from 4600 Eglinton Ave. W. (east of Wincott Dr.) to 4200 Eglinton Ave. W. (west of Royal York Rd.), the City will review its transit requirements.
Potential for a collaborative development between Build Toronto and Trinity Group
Trinity Group has released early mixed-use concept plans and renderings for the redevelopment of Richview Plaza. From a City planning and local neighbourhood perspective, it is best to combine the sites and consider a comprehensive plan. Direction from City Planning has been to submit a comprehensive plan. Build Toronto approached Trinity Group and asked it to pause its planning in order to engage in conversations about a joint development. Early conversations have taken place, but there is no established partnership nor any plans as yet. During these conversations, it was clear that Trinity Group is on board with Build Toronto’s community engagement initiative. It is in Build Toronto’s interest to engage in a deal with Trinity Group on these lands, but the company’s priority is to satisfy its development objectives, to be established with the community, and ensure the development is financially successful and meets planning policies.
Ontario Municipal Board (OMB)
If Build Toronto enters into a partnership with Trinity Group for a joint development of both parcels of land, it will incorporate legal mechanisms that would prevent Trinity Group from going to the OMB following a City Council decision. It was confirmed, however, that if a third party takes either Build Toronto or the partnership the company enters, to the OMB, Build Toronto will defend itself at the OMB.
Affordable housing
Build Toronto is committed to considering affordable housing opportunities in all of its projects, including 4620 Eglinton Ave. W. Affordable housing comes in the form of affordable home ownership or affordable rental. It should not be confused with Toronto community housing or subsidized housing. The units are typically dispersed within a residential complex, and families that qualify are provided with support through a second mortgage that allows them entry into the housing market.
Support required
An application for the future development of these lands requires support from Etobicoke Community Council and then City Council. Community Council will look to ensure the community was given a fair process. Local community support is important to Build Toronto.